Earth Day 2022
Many countries have pledged to reach #netzero emissions by 2050, including the UK. Carbon neutrality is a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon, meaning that the same amount of CO2 should be removed from atmosphere that is emitted.
It is also called ‘net zero’, because overall no carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere.
Efficient, zero carbon buildings take advantage of available, cost-effective technology to reduce emissions while increasing health, equity and economic prosperity in local communities.
‘At Elements Europe, we work proactively to ensure that our projects have the lowest environmental impact possible. Offsite construction uses up much less energy than traditional methods of construction. Whilst we continue to implement clean air energy solutions into our factory to improve embodied carbon in our manufacturing process, our detailed measurements of waste tell us we produce 35% less than the same project built using traditional methods and there are 56% fewer vehicle movements in congested city centres. Offsite construction is key to protecting our Earth’ said Simon Underwood, CEO of Elements Europe.